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In December 2013 my landlord gave me permission to demolish the lava from my fireplace and create whatever I wanted. I rented a demolition hammer (hand held jack hammer) and removed the lava. What a chore! It has taken me 19 months and approximately 1000 hours to create this piece!
Throughout my apartment I have black and gray tile on the floor. Because I did not have any matching tile to place on the floor in front of the fireplace I purchased a solid piece of black granite. I also painted the firebox with a metallic copper high heat spray paint. It picks up the copper glass that is within the dark blue waves. Finally, I made the mantle myself.


Lava Removed


Front Complete

Side View

Jelly Fish Panel

Turtle Panel

Center Bottom Panel

Lionfish Panel

Full Octopus Panel

Octopus Panel

Octopus Closer

Octopus Eye

Blue Tang

Brown Seahorse

Butterfly Fish

Clown Fish



Red Fish

Yellow Seahorse

Humuhumunukunukuapua'a Trigger Fish
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